The Hawaiians call their group of islands 'The Land of Aloha', The Land of Love. 'Aloha' means, "I see the divine in you, and I see the divine in myself'. All of us travel a common road, and I believe there is only One Power in the Universe. We all call this power by a different name, I am a Christian so I call Him 'Heavenly Father', and it really does not matter what you call Him, the principle I learnt is still the same.
I am connected to all living beings. When something or someone makes me angry, annoyed, feel hatred, frustration, blind rage, it is actually because it has sparked something within me that I have perhaps not yet recognised and healed myself of.
Aloha has only one commandment - never to harm, always to help.
OK, I need to love myself, regardless of my faults and shortcomings ... and that is so difficult. I also have to forgive myself in order to actually be forgiven. No good asking for forgiveness and then hanging on to the issue. I have to work on the negative issue to resolve it so I can not keep repeating it. Then I can ask for forgiveness of myself and of God.
Why must I love everyone else. Because it is a commandment. Love God, Love yourself, love my neighbour as myself. Who is my neighbour? Everyone. They are all children of the Divine and He loves everyone unconditionally. I need to as well.
Love myself comes first. I have to love myself so I can Love God am everone else. I don't have to like what evehryone does, or says. However it is not my problem. I only they, to worry about myself. I do however have to love them and myself.That is why I am on this journey afterall. A journey of growth, improvement, healing, finding inner peace, joy and happiness. So, I need to recognise the feeling or emotion I am experiencing and take responsibility for it. I need to heal it and let it go. I needed to forgive myself and others for having inflicted any sort of hurt, or for having failed to help when needed.
I started practicing the Ho'oponopono.
I sit quietly and reach a place of recognition, courage, power, intelligence and peace.
I describe the problem to myself and then search my heart for my share in it. It may be a judgement I have made, or a specific action, or a memory. I contemplate and accept the problem.
I take 100% responsibility for the problem in my life. To be ready following forgiveness to handle things differently in the future.
I then pardon and forgive myself.
Finally I give thanks for the recognition and the lesson learnt and the opportunity to heal. I move on.
I am sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you.
I was taught this principle a few years ago by a Life Coach. I was NOT ready to accept this or to embrace. I could not forgive myself. I did not like myself never mind love myself.
Then, when the time was right my soul remembered the lesson taught and it came back to my mind. I went back and read about it again and put it into practice and IT WORKED!!
A shout out to Kim Willoughby of The Change Lab. Kim is a long time friend and was a great help and gave me the first steps into real recovery. (She has a great company, check out her website).
It took time but the lessons worked and I moved on further in my healing. Life Coaching helps you work through the problems and issues, not just talk about them.
This post is going to be a bit longer because I want to remind myself of the powerful example of this practice.
Dr. Len's Amazing Success with Ho`oponopono
There is a legendary story of a man known as Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, who cured every patient in the criminally insane ward of a Hawaii`i State Hospital — without ever seeing a single patient. Now this may seem a little “insane,” but upon having a closer look, the story speaks for itself.
Dr. Len set up an office within the hospital to review his patients’ files. While he looked at these files, he would work on himself, and over four years, the patients all healed. In addition, the staff who had been calling in sick or quit, eventually loved coming to work. He used the legendary Hawaiian healing and cleansing method Ho’oponopono to accomplish all of this. It is based on healing through loving oneself. Dr. Len repeated the words “I love you” and “I am sorry” over and over again while reviewing each file individually. After a few months, the patients who were shackled were allowed to walk freely, patients were taken off medications, and even the hopeless cases were eventually released back into society.
The word spread and many were curious about this fantastic story, but there was very little information available about it. Then a man named Dr. Joe Vitale, best-selling author and personal development guru, caught wind of Dr. Len’s story and decided he had to learn from him first hand. Dr. Vitale soon became aware that Dr. Len is a master teacher of this ancient Hawai`ian practice of Ho`oponopono. He learned that by using this potent forgiveness and releasing process, one is able to “clear your mind of subconscious blocks so that destiny and desire can take over and help you get what you truly want from life. It clears out unconsciously accepted beliefs, thoughts, and memories that you don’t even know are holding you back.”
In other words, it will allow you to “let go and let God.”
Till next time, Yvonne